What is Copywriting?
I can predict a few things in life with certainty. An Adirondack mile takes longer than I think it will, champagne is always a good idea, and when people ask me what I do, I get one of three responses.
“Okay, but what do you do?”
“Oh yeah, I saw a Facebook ad for that. Seems easy.”
“But why would anyone pay you to write for them?”
It makes for some repetitive conversations around the holidays, but I love what I do and I’m always happy to explain more.
Curious about why businesses hire copywriters, or how you could benefit from one?
Here’s what you need to know.
Okay, but what do you do?
Confusion is understandable (kind of). At first glance, copywriting seems abstract, intangible. A fork lift operator operates a fork lift, a surgeon performs surgery and a copywriter writes… copy.
The American Writers & Artists Institute define a copywriter as “a professional writer responsible for writing the text, or copy, used in marketing and promotional materials.”
In short, copywriters write sales copy.
To dive in a little deeper:
Copyblogger.com defines copywriting as “The art and science of strategically delivering words (whether written or spoken) that get people to take some form of action.”
The American Writers & Artists Institute define copywriting as “the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation.”
The key words here are strategically and persuasive.
You see the work of copywriters everywhere, without even knowing it. Every billboard you see, commercial you hear, and slogan you Google was written by a copywriter.
Copywriting is the cornerstone element to all marketing and advertising. If there are sales to be made or a campaign to be launched, you can bet a copywriter had a hand in the marketing.
Seems easy!
Some days operating a fork lift seems easy, but that doesn’t mean the person doing it isn’t a trained professional!
A copywriter isn’t someone off the street who picks a few words and strings them together with a “buy now” button slapped at the bottom. Copywriters are trained experts at creating compelling copy that converts.
Let’s bust a few myths:
You’re born with the ability to write well
You can’t learn to write well
Anyone can write copy
Copywriting is a skill that takes time to learn and perfect. While some have a natural inclination towards writing, most people can improve their writing with study and practice.
Many can do it, only some can do it well.
If you’ve ever seen an ad or heard a commercial that makes you go
Oh my god, who wrote that?
You know the impact of bad copywriting! It’s abrupt, and sometimes jarring. At best, it makes us feel uncomfortable and at worst, it can make potential customers completely uninterested in your company.
The effect of good copywriting is more subtle. Good copywriting is like a gentle current, nudging your audience where you want them to go. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, good copywriting is the ability to sell someone on going to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.
Why would anyone pay you to write for their business?
You may be thinking:
I’ll write my own sales copy
How hard can it be?
I know my company best
And sure, you can always write your own copy! My hat off to you if you’re one of the lucky few who are able to run your business, write your own sales copy, and have a personal life.
But if having all three is unattainable for you, it’s probably time to pay someone to write for your company.
Think of hiring a copywriter like hiring a painter, a designer, or a landscaper. These are all things you could do reasonably well on your own. But we have limited hours in the day,
Is writing copy the best use of your time?
Will a professional do a better job?
How much time could you take back in your day or week if you didn’t write your own copy?
Good sales copy can be the difference between business in the black or in the red.
Isn’t it worth the investment to help your business succeed?
If you have more questions about how copywriting can change your business, let’s talk!